Mini Low Carb Cheesecake with Pork King Good Pork Rind Crumb Crust by Megan O’Brien
Yes - you read the title correctly. This cheesecake has a PORK RIND CRUST!! One of our super fans on Instagram, Megan O'Brien (@megan71586), wowed us with this mouth-watering Mini Cheesecake recipe using our Pork Rind Crumbs as the crust and topped with sugar-free strawberry preserves. Ummmmm....YES, PLEASE!! This is a sweet tooth dream come true for anyone counting carbs or looking for sugar-free options of their favorite desserts.
Megan was kind enough to let us share her creation across the interwebs. Here is her recipe, in her own hilarious words:
Here’s what I did for the crust :
1/4 cup Pork King Good Pork Rind Crumbs
1/2tbs melted butter
10 drop sugar cone @oooflavors flavoring
Squirt of vanilla stevia
I mixed all ingredients together and divided it into 4 cupcake liners. Mushed it down and baked it for 5 min at 350. Then topped them with your standard cheesecake filling and baked for another 15 min. (Standard Cheesecake Filling for 4 mini cakes: 4oz softened cream cheese, 1/2 egg, splash lemon juice , splash of vanilla extract,1/2 tsp sweetener or more to taste - beat until combined. Let them set and topped with sugar free strawberry preserves.) (The photo shows cinnamon but I never ended up adding cinnamon bc I probably saw something shiny 😂 ) . The crusts were not soggy in the least bit!! Obsessed.