Ecuadorian Cheese Pancakes by @straightouttaketo

Ecuadorian Cheese Pancakes by @straightouttaketo

1 oz Tropical Queso de frier , shredded
1 oz feta cheese, shredded
14g Pork King Good Unseasoned pork rind crumb
1 TBSP psyllium husk
1g baking soda
1 tsp black pepper
1/2-1 tsp salt
2 TBSP chopped cilantro
1 medium scallion (chopped)
2 large eggs (beaten)
.5 TBSPS HWC (optional)
Add water to batter as needed (if batter is too thick)
Combine all ingredients in bowl
Drop by the 2-3Tbs of batter on a hot pan (medium flame) sprayed with cooking spray
When edges look set flip over and let cook another 2-3 minutes 
*I got 7 medium (2 TBSP) pancakes from this batter. 
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